Carlisle, PA – The Carlisle Performance & Style show is one of the events that has helped eJudged get off the ground. The people at Carlisle Events have always been very supportive – as this is the event where we first beta tested our idea for the app. This year’s event was a great success – as our app was in usage for two separate facets of the show. The outdoor judged showfield participated in Drive-Thru judging which was powered by eJudged and performed by a group that has been judging this event for nearly a decade – WRTeam features some of the founding fathers of our eJudged app so it’s a great fit. The indoor invitational vehicles were also nominated and evaluated via our eJudged app for a few select elite “top flight” awards.
During the judging we had our Ford Transit Connect Wagon on display along with Bob Dructor’s Range Rover in the eJudged command center activation tent. Event spectators and competitors wandered over all day to admire the vehicle.
Saturday evening and Sunday during the event, we joined the Lowlapalooza party as one of our build partners, , hosted Building T with a collection of over 60 cars that “represent the lifestyle”. The building was filled with some impressive cars that showed off alot of current trends throughout the automotive scene. We were excited to have our SEMA build a small part of it the showcase!
We can’t wait to see what Carlisle and our friends at JunkStyles x Lowlifestyle have in store for next year’s event! We’re stoked to return to Carlisle next month for the Ford Nationals!
Carlisle P&S photos:
- Carlisle Performance & Style – Carlisle, PA
- Carlisle Performance & Style – Carlisle, PA
- Lowlapalooza at Carlisle P&S – Carlisle, PA
- Lowlapalooza at Carlisle P&S – Carlisle, PA