24 Oct 2014

PSU Car Club Show Benefitting THON

State College, PA – This past weekend we made the short road trip to Happy Valley – AKA the campus of Penn State University for a very cool event. No, we weren’t there to tailgate, but the event did take place in the parking lots around Beaver Stadium. We were

24 Oct 2014

State College, PA – This past weekend we made the short road trip to Happy Valley – AKA the campus of Penn State University for a very cool event. No, we weren’t there to tailgate, but the event did take place in the parking lots around Beaver Stadium. We were there to show support and spread the WiFi signal for the PSU Car Club event, who had reached out to us to use our iOS digital judging app to score the cars for their show. The event was held to benefit the THON charity. So we were more than happy to donate the usage of our software for the cause. For those that don’t know about THON – “The mission of the Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon is to conquer pediatric cancer by providing outstanding emotional and financial support to the children, families, researchers, and staff of the Four Diamonds Fund”. We had our Ford Transit Connect “Mobile Command Station” on display, front and center near the registration and DJ. For a first time event planned by a group of busy college students, we were quite impressed. Not only were there a great variety of vehicles in competition, but the staff was well prepared and were instant eJudged app experts. Most events that we attend rely on us for training and support, but the PSU Car Club was on top of things. We were able to kick it with fellow car enthusiasts and enjoy a walk thru campus to the Berkey Creamery for our favorite milkshakes during the show. So other events, take notes!  We would like to thank the organization for asking us to be a part of their event, and we can’t wait to see what they have in store for their 2015 event!


Here are some more photos from the event:

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