Campbelltown, PA – The fellas from JunkStyles x LowLifeStyle and CounterKultur lifestyle apparel brands are at it again. This time teaming up to bring a cool, laid back, grass roots style event back to the Hershey area. The Campbelltown Fire Co Grounds have been home to a varoiety of VW specific events over the past several years. But in recent years old show promoters have moved on and left the grounds vacant for what had become the annual season kick-off event. This year, however, we attended the first event Spring Breakdown at Campbelltown and we’ve got to say… they certainly outdid themselves and every other event that had been held there in the past. While it was marketed strictly to the VW/Euro car communities, they also saved a pretty decent sized showfield for their friends and supporters who drive those “outcast” cars as well. We were blown away by the attendance as every showfield was filled just minutes after the show had officially opened. And the lines of traffic kept coming, as the event staff kept finding new areas to put more and more display vehicles. We were on hand and parked on the vendor midway with our Ford Transit Connect Mobile Command Center – we’re no stranger to invading euro only showfields. Cheers to our friends for coming up with a great idea and killing it. We can see this event quickly becoming a fan favorite. Also, stay tuned at the JSxLLS crew go solo for their next event – The JunkFood Meet – a combination car show + food truck festival on the riverfront in downtown Harrisburg on June 18… and then the brand teams up with CounterKultur once again on Sept 11 for their annual Knoedown event at Knoebels Amusement Park.