Recaps & News


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Battle at the Border

Lancaster, NY – Last month we had the opportunity to get involved in a growing show located just minutes from the USA and Canada border – in a suburb of Buffalo, NY. The convenience of our judging software can speed up and improve the process of just about any judged event. In this situation, eJudged made it possible for a smaller staff to complete their judging process and also have time to enjoy the show.


Formula SAE

Brooklyn, MI – We were honored to have eJudged become a judging affiliate with the Formula SAE program. Formula SAE is a student design competition organized by SAE International, previously known as the Society of Automotive Engineers). The concept behind Formula SAE is that a fictional manufacturing company has contracted a student design team to develop a small Formula-style race car. Each student team designs, builds and tests a prototype based on a series of rules, whose purpose is both ensuring on-track safety (the cars are driven by the students themselves) and promoting clever problem solving. Here is a glimpse at one of the winning builds from their May 14-17 event at Michigan International Speedway.


AutoCon LA – eJudged goes coast-to-coast

Los Angeles, CA – Another successful event is in the books! We’d like to thank the good people at AutoCon for once again leading by example and introducing the west coast to the latest technology in the car show scene. Be sure to check out their next event – August 31 in Seattle!

Performance, Style, and iOS functionality – at Carlisle 2013

We’ve reached another eJudged milestone as our iOS native app was bench tested at this past weekend’s huge Carlisle Performance & Style event. With well over 1000 cars in attendance, we’re happy to say the application performed flawlessly and the event went off without a hitch! Event managers and promoters, the time has finally come… check us out on App Store in the coming weeks!

Next Stop… SEMA show 2012

Global Judging has teamed up with eJudged to offer the FRS Scion Tuner Challenge a complete digital experience.


The SEMA show was held at the Las Vegas Convention Center, in Las Vegas, Nevada from Oct. 30th – Nov. 2nd, 2012.

First Remote Test – AutoCon California

We were very proud when AutoCon was interested in  This show was fully sold out and we are excited to be working with them…

The show went well, this was our first test being fully remote, we had a bit of a road block and learned our lesson, but overall the show was a success and the staff really ejoyed the electronic form of judging.

For more details on AutoCon – Arcadia, CA, visit